RavenCroft Garden
RavenCroft Garden is an emerald garden in the midst of dynamically changing city, suburban and rural landscapes.
A working croft, a small holding dedicated to generative living. An experiential garden, a hedge school, a place where women, witches, faeries, goats, and goddesses forage, frolic and transform in an ever widening spiral.
2025 is RavenCroft's 34th anniversary cultivating a school in the hedge. That liminal place between. This year a bridge between the physical garden and an online community for everyday herbalists, gardeners and kitchen witches is in place. Lifelong learning connecting people, plants and the earth is at the heart of it all.
RavenCroft Garden provides hands-on experience with plants in the garden, kitchen and apothecary providing you with an integrated approach to generative living.
Weave in seasonal celebration, navigating with the sun and moon, learning from earth, sky and sea and stitching it all together with the past, present and future of life on earth! It's a lifetime journey.
Adventure, curiosity, wonder, willingness...are these keys to life? Your life?
Join us at RavenCroft Garden and see if this is a place for you to come home to yourself with earth, plants and spirited women as allies.
Dynamic, changing thru the seasons and the years...gardens hold magic and mystery in the everyday practice of life.
I'm EagleSong Gardener
Herbalist/Gardener ~ EarthKeeper/Grandmother ~ Pilgrim/Adventurer
Nature fascinates me. Drawn to field and forest as a child, I was raised in a gardening family and spent summers on a farm. I've always been curious how nature works. Gardens, plants, and people excite a curiosity and wonder in me that thrives on exploration.
Developing the skills of careful observation, learning how life weaves herself through the cycles and seasons of a year, a human life and through time itself has invited a deep and caring practice of observation and connection within me.
Getting to know earth, air, fire and water in daily hands-on practice consistently guides my journey with plant medicine and has deepened my appreciation of their place at the heart of life on earth.
Working with several shamanic guides from diverse backgrounds evoked in me a deep of understanding of the importance the connection between people, plants and earth has in cultures around the world.
I worked a decade as a professional gardener/farmer at a high profile hotel and herb restaurant while expanding my horticulture studies and earning a certificate in Healing & Therapeutic Garden Design. Woven together with a Permaculture Design Certificate and 45 years of homestead living rounds out my grounded experience with plants and the earth.
Are you curious how the elements may inform your experience of plant medicine? How learning plant medicine from the ground up might inform your life?
Are you interested in how nature works? How the body works? How working with nature expands your perspective and deepens your sense of meaning. Does the idea of learning how to care for yourself, your loved ones and the earth using safe, effective, practical hands-on skills tickle your fancy?
I invite you to explore the website, sign up for the Walking Seeds newsletter and keep your hand on the pulse at RavenCroft.
Hi, I'm Sally King
Herbalist~Gardener~Deep Listener
Inspired by nature my whole life! I travel a path of ever-increasing wholeness and transformation. I am Earth's Daughter.
My creative spirit alights when joining together with women to learn and grow. Growing is what I am most excited about in my life; plants and people.
I listen to & support women in their wholeness and growth. Breathing and grounding. Deepening and softening. My heart is full as an HerbWiseWoman!
I tend RavenCroft Garden and HerbWiseWomen, an online home where herb-ally curious women are gathering, learning and transforming their lives together at their own pace in their own place!